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Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Break

So its that time of year again... Fall Break. Meaning, I get 1 day off, classes cancelled. Other students have two days, but because I don't have Monday classes, I only got one day cancelled. But I am thankful nonetheless. This Fall Break is not like any of the rest. I am staying in town. The past two, I went home to be with my parents and take a break. But now since I am in my apartment, I just decided to stay here with my roommate. Its kinda lame, but I will be doing homework and babysitting while I am on Fall Break, while other students visit different states, shop, or party. I am not interested in the party part at all. I don't need to visit any different states, but I am missing out of the shopping lol. Since break has started, I have already started cooking which is pretty cool. Over the summer I got to cook a lot but once school started, that kinda ended. So its nice to get back into the cooking spirit. I plan to use this break to read my brothers book.

Its funny, because I act like I know a bunch of people will read this and right comments, which is the opposite of the truth. No one reads this and NO ONE comments on this. Ha. But thats fine nonetheless. I am not writing this for people to read or write comments, this is just for a time to write out what's going on. Kinda a listener.

On another note, I got to carve a pumpkin yesterday evening. First time I have carved without my dad's help. So I didn't really know what to do... lol. But it came out well, I guess. I had fun.

I pray that the Lord uses this break to teach me new truths and grow. I pray for the desire to know God and read his Word.