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Saturday, June 11, 2011


When you title the name of a post something like "Bahahaha", it is going to cause people to read it because they want to laugh too.
Is there a reason that I did title it laughter other than just catching attention... no, not really. But I do love to laugh!
Summer has returned. I have finished my junior year of college and I am approaching the end of my college career. :) I am very excited. I am ready to be done with studying and move onto other adventures.
Today, when I was driving down the road, I had one of those moments where I was looking back at my life and where I am and thought.... how did I get here? Meaning, how did I end up in living off campus in an apartment, having a job, and living around my friends. Its just weird to think that I am not at home with my parents. I haven't done that the last 2 summers anyway... but still, just weird to think back on. But, it wasn't a bad thought... it was a good one.... like God is in control and I can just rest in his sovereignty.... hmmm that sounds so familiar... OH YEAH.... thats the name of this blog. Ha. I don't think resting in God's power is something we ever fully grasp or are completely comfortable with... it is something we are still learning everyday. Definitely something that I pray about a lot, that I will just be resting in God.
Sorry for the long sentences and weird spacing.
I think I like to do more thoughts on this blog than actual updates. If you want an update... just call me. If you don't have my number, then we probably aren't very good friends, so you shouldn't be calling me. HA.
Have I mentioned I love listening to sermons. I remember when I was younger and my brother used to listen to Piper sermons all the time and I was so confused, now, I do that same thing. I have really enjoyed listening to Matt Chandler and Mark Driscoll. Have any other suggestions?
I am doing laundry right now as I write this... haha... OH... I deleted my facebook for a month. It was becoming an idol with all this extra time I have this summer. So how do you break down idols??? BURN THEM! It was hard the first few days, but now I kinda enjoy not having it... who knows. I might make it permanent. Also, I am trying to read every night before I go to bed. Right now I am reading a book for RUF... God's big picture by V. Roberts. Next, I will read Desiring God by Piper and then Radical Together by D. Platt. I want to try and read at least 4 books this summer. I don't read much, but with deleting facebook and trying to go to bed early every night, I think I might be able to read all four if not more. I will keep you updated on that!
I get to see my WHOLE family in July. I am so excited to see the twin boys! They will be one, they grow so fast. Birthdays are not only good to celebrate our changes but look back and see where we used to be. A lot has changed in my life this year. I would have never saw it coming, that goes back to God's sovereignty, and especially after looking back a year ago... I know I can trust my Father!
Thank you Father for your grace in sending your son and only for your glory, Lord! You are righteous and all sufficient. I love you!!!