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Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Break

So its that time of year again... Fall Break. Meaning, I get 1 day off, classes cancelled. Other students have two days, but because I don't have Monday classes, I only got one day cancelled. But I am thankful nonetheless. This Fall Break is not like any of the rest. I am staying in town. The past two, I went home to be with my parents and take a break. But now since I am in my apartment, I just decided to stay here with my roommate. Its kinda lame, but I will be doing homework and babysitting while I am on Fall Break, while other students visit different states, shop, or party. I am not interested in the party part at all. I don't need to visit any different states, but I am missing out of the shopping lol. Since break has started, I have already started cooking which is pretty cool. Over the summer I got to cook a lot but once school started, that kinda ended. So its nice to get back into the cooking spirit. I plan to use this break to read my brothers book.

Its funny, because I act like I know a bunch of people will read this and right comments, which is the opposite of the truth. No one reads this and NO ONE comments on this. Ha. But thats fine nonetheless. I am not writing this for people to read or write comments, this is just for a time to write out what's going on. Kinda a listener.

On another note, I got to carve a pumpkin yesterday evening. First time I have carved without my dad's help. So I didn't really know what to do... lol. But it came out well, I guess. I had fun.

I pray that the Lord uses this break to teach me new truths and grow. I pray for the desire to know God and read his Word.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

God is Enough

God is Enough!
I just got the new Lecrae CD. PTL! (Praise the Lord) for those who don't know. I am so thankful for positive scriptural Godly music that uplifts us. So often we get stuck on that bad music that is SO catchy but talks about worldly things that take off focus off Christ and place it only things such as self-centered love, sex, drugs, violence, etc. Yall know what I'm talking about... THAT music.

God is Enough!
I am listening to one of the new songs right now... called... GOD IS ENOUGH. Surprise Surprise. The reason I capitalized Enough is because another way to say Enough is to say Jesus. Jesus is Enough. We don't need these worldly things. We need less of us and more of Christ! Think about our lives. Most of the time we think about ourselves which is emphasizing ourself and making God less. That is sin. Christ should be our center, our center focus. I think thats why reading the bible at the beginning of the day is so important. It puts Christ the center. Spending time with God is the first thing we do that day. It starts out day off with the right focus. I've really been pushing myself to wake up early to read my bible right when I get up. I can tell you, I am a morning person, but when it comes to losing 20 to 30 mins of sleep, I fail. But God has been gracious and has given me the strength to wake up early to spend time with him. I pray for the desire to read this word and understand it and how I can apply it to my life that day and bring him Glory every time before I read the Word.

I also found my journal of prayers and notes from last summer. Its really neat to look about over it and see how much I was growing and all the truths the Spirit was teaching me during that time. Seeing that growth gives me a spark of desire to learn and grow more, not for the sake of growing but knowing my God better and bringing him glory. I am so thankful for the growth I have already experienced this year through bible study, weekly RUF meetings, and my new friends this year and also current friends. I have asked for my girlfriends to pray for me. True prayer from my girlfriends. We need to be there for one another, especially godly women coming together and uplifting one another and encouraging one another through God's Word and genuine prayer. God is Enough! All the Praise and Glory to Christ!
I will rejoice in the Lord! PTL!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Time to Dwell

Well, I guess I need to update from the last time I wrote on here, which was ages ago. I am currently 21 years old, live in an apartment with one of my best friends, have a part-time off campus job, am an aunt of two beautiful twin boys, am a junior in college, and growing everyday in my walk with the Lord. This summer brought a lot of change to my life. I think I have finally realized the importance of responsibility and the Lord definitely placed a lot of that in my lap. Having a part-time job sounds easy enough, but there are those days when I just feel like being lazy and not wanting to go into work, even though I know I was will be rewarded with money in the end. Speaking of money, this morning, I was asked to go and have a free facial with a couple of friends. I accepted just like any wise girl that would enjoy a time of relaxation. Quickly we realized that this "free facial" was not as exciting as it sounded. Firstly, there were people doing our facials, we were..... hmmmm I do that every morning thankyouverymuch. Haha. Secondly, the women who were leading us in this facial experience were trying to badly to make us want their job. In the fact that for 20 mins she talked about all the benefits of working there, but mainly the money they got, the cars they received, the free gifts, trips, and makeup that they enjoyed all year round. This definitely can sound appealing.... but I didn't find it appealing at all. First, I am going to become a RD... which means... I am not going to make much money and I know that, and I am okay with that. The Lord will provide and I can tell you, I don't need money falling out of my pockets to be in the Lord's will. If anything, I think a lot of the times I am called to not have much money because I want to go overseas, get rid of all my earthly items and go share the gospel with people all the time. I want to become that RD so I not only can physical heal those suffering people from the malnutrition they face daily, but most importantly heal them spiritually through sharing the gospel with them. I am waiting/praying for the day when the Lord shows me that it is time for me to go start missions outside the US. I believe that I can also be called to another US city to share the gospel, that why I continue to pray because I am not sure if its God's will, or my sinful flesh and own will that desires to leave the US. It's definitely easier for me to just leave the US and sale everything and just start all over.

Well I think I got off track, but I was just trying to empathize the changes in my life this year. Now, its a new school year, which means new classes, new schedule, new events, and most importantly... NEW FRIENDS! The Lord is so gracious in blessing me with wonderful Godly friends. I am blessed by what they teach me and help me personally grow. I am so thankful for each and every one of them. One of the coolest parts for me this year is my friends that do not know the Lord. I have always had friends that are believers but my recent prayer has been to have friends that don't know the Lord, and hopefully being able to share Christ with them. That will always continue to be my prayer.

This blog is nice to go to when I need something to write down and just "type it out" (rather than talk it out) haha.